What Are Peptides?

Peptides, small chains of amino acids, are the building blocks of proteins in the body but are shorter in length and have a more specific function. This section will delve into the science behind peptides, explaining their role in various biological processes. It will explore how peptides differ from proteins, their importance in cellular communication, and the body's overall functioning.
The segment will also discuss the natural occurrence of peptides in the body and their synthetic counterparts used in therapeutic contexts. A detailed explanation will be provided on how these small but powerful molecules can influence and modulate numerous physiological processes, making them a crucial element in medical research and treatment.

Why Peptide Therapy?

This section will address the growing interest in peptide therapy in the medical field. It will explore the unique advantages of peptide therapy over traditional treatments, focusing on its targeted approach, higher specificity, and generally lower risk of side effects. The ability of peptides to mimic natural biological processes and their potential in personalized medicine will be highlighted.

The discussion will also include how peptide therapy can provide novel solutions to complex medical problems, its role in regenerative medicine, and how it’s being used to tackle challenging health issues where traditional approaches have had limited success.

Is Peptide Therapy Right For Me?

Determining if peptide therapy is the right choice involves understanding its applications and assessing individual health conditions. This part will guide readers through the considerations involved in deciding if peptide therapy is suitable for them. It will cover the types of conditions and health goals that peptide therapy can address, along with the importance of a thorough medical evaluation.

The section will also discuss the process of a consultation for peptide therapy, what to expect during assessment, and how to work with healthcare providers to determine if peptide therapy aligns with one's health needs and goals.

What is Peptide Therapy Good For?

Peptide therapy has a broad spectrum of applications, demonstrating effectiveness in various areas of health and wellness. This section will provide a detailed overview of the conditions and goals that peptide therapy can help achieve. It will explore its use in areas such as anti-aging, muscle growth and repair, weight management, cognitive enhancement, and immune system support.

In addition to therapeutic uses, this segment will discuss the research supporting the efficacy of peptide therapy in these areas, providing insights into how this treatment is transforming the approach to health and wellness challenges.

The History of Peptide Therapy

Peptide therapy leverages your body's innate healing and self-improvement mechanisms. With over 7,000 natural peptides in the human body, this therapy isn't a new concept. Its origins date back to the 1920s, with the first therapy developed to aid insulin production in diabetic patients.

Today, experts in health optimization and longevity use various peptides to enhance body functions:Next Health has meticulously researched and selected the finest licensed manufacturers, providing comprehensive peptide treatment protocols for:

Step 1 – Ordering Your Peptides

Once you place your order, our medical team will reach out to you within one business day. They will discuss your prescription and explain how the peptides work, ensuring you're fully informed.

Step 2 – Receiving Your Peptides

Once you place your order, our medical team will reach out to you within one business day. They will discuss your prescription and explain how the peptides work, ensuring you're fully informed.

Step 3 – Self-Administering Your Peptides

Once you place your order, our medical team will reach out to you within one business day. They will discuss your prescription and explain how the peptides work, ensuring you're fully informed.

Is Peptide Therapy Right for You?

Are you aiming to enhance energy levels, stimulate hair growth, or increase muscle mass? Peptide Therapy could be an ideal choice. Peptides function as signaling molecules in the body, aiding in cellular communication. This can be beneficial for metabolic activities, tissue repair, hormone production, and more.

Certain restrictions apply. Product availability is subject to change. Lab work and medical clearance are required for peptide therapy.

Additional Peptide Options

BPC-157 Oral

For gut health repair.


Aids in sleep enhancement.


Boosts fertility and sex drive.


Enhances sex drive.


Another option for boosting sex drive.


Assists in weight loss.


Improves performance and stamina.


Enhances neuroplasticity, focus, and learning.

CJC-1295 / Ipamorelin

Reduces visceral fat and improves lean muscle mass.


Helps improve testosterone levels.


Boosts memory and learning capabilities.


Targets visceral fat reduction.

Tesofensine (Oral)

Aids in weight loss.

AOD 9604

Supports bone and cartilage repair.

Copper (GHK-CU - Dropper)

Promotes optimal aging.

Copper (GHK-CU - Injectable)

For hair growth.

What Does Physical Therapy Do?

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in helping individuals recover from injuries, manage chronic conditions, and improve overall physical function and mobility. This section will delve into the specific contributions of physical therapy, such as reducing pain, improving joint mobility, increasing muscle strength and coordination, enhancing cardiovascular functioning, and promoting overall physical fitness and health.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Promotes healing of various types of tissues, including tendons, ligaments, muscles, nervous system, and even the gut.

  2. Helps in treating ulcers and inflammatory conditions like arthritis.

  3. Has been shown to accelerate wound healing.

  4. Supports gut health and has been used in treating inflammatory bowel diseases.

How It Can Help You:

BPC-157 Oral is particularly beneficial for individuals recovering from injuries, experiencing joint pain, or suffering from gastrointestinal issues. It can significantly reduce healing time and improve gastrointestinal health.


Delta Sleep-Inducing Peptide (DSIP) is a neuropeptide that plays a role in sleep regulation. It was discovered during research on sleep patterns, and its primary function is to induce spindle and delta EEG activity and reduce motor activities.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Helps regulate sleep patterns and is beneficial for those with insomnia or sleep disorders.

  2. Shows potential in reducing chronic pain and has been used in the treatment of narcolepsy.

  3. Exhibits stress-protective effects and can assist in managing stress and anxiety.

  4. May have benefits in modulating endocrine and physiological processes.

How It Can Help You:

DSIP can be a valuable aid for individuals struggling with sleep issues, experiencing high stress, or dealing with chronic pain, helping to improve overall quality of life.


Kisspeptin is a naturally occurring peptide that plays a crucial role in regulating the endocrine system, particularly in initiating puberty and controlling reproductive functions.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Vital for regulating hormones related to reproduction.

  2. Has been used in fertility treatments to stimulate sex hormone production.

  3. Shows promise in treating hormonal imbalances and associated disorders.

How It Can Help You:

For individuals facing issues with fertility or hormonal imbalances, Kisspeptin therapy can offer a natural and effective solution to improve reproductive health and hormonal regulation.


Melanotan is a synthetic peptide that mimics the body’s naturally occurring melanocortin. It is primarily known for its ability to stimulate melanogenesis, leading to increased skin pigmentation.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Promotes tanning of the skin, reducing the need for excessive sun exposure.

  2. Has potential protective effects against skin damage from UV radiation.

  3. Used in the treatment of certain skin conditions like erythropoietic protoporphyria.

How It Can Help You:

Melanotan can benefit individuals looking for a safe way to achieve a tanned appearance without excessive sun exposure, as well as those seeking protection against UV-related skin issues.


PT-141, also known as Bremelanotide, is a synthetic peptide derivative of the hormone alpha-MSH (melanocyte-stimulating hormone). It's primarily known for its effects on sexual dysfunction.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Effective in treating sexual dysfunction, including erectile dysfunction in men and sexual arousal disorder in women.

  2. Works by activating the melanocortin receptors in the brain, thus influencing sexual arousal.

  3. Unlike traditional treatments for sexual dysfunction, PT-141 works on the nervous system level rather than the vascular level.

How It Can Help You:

PT-141 can be a game-changer for individuals experiencing sexual health issues, offering a new avenue for enhancing sexual function and overall intimacy wellness.


Mots-C is a mitochondrial-derived peptide known for its role in regulating metabolic functions. It's a part of a new class of peptides that are encoded within the mitochondrial DNA.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Plays a significant role in regulating metabolic functions, potentially aiding in weight management.

  2. Shows promise in improving insulin sensitivity and reducing the risk of obesity-related diseases.

  3. Has been linked to anti-aging properties and enhanced exercise performance.

How It Can Help You:

Mots-C offers potential benefits for those looking to manage their weight, improve metabolic health, and enhance physical performance and longevity.


Semax is a synthetic peptide initially developed in Russia for the prevention and treatment of circulatory disorders. It has since been found to have broad neuroprotective and nootropic effects.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Used to enhance cognitive functions, improve memory and learning capacity.

  2. Shows neuroprotective properties, making it beneficial for stroke recovery and brain health.

  3. Used in the treatment of various cognitive disorders and brain injuries.

How It Can Help You:

Semax can be particularly beneficial for individuals looking to boost cognitive function, those recovering from neurological conditions, or seeking to enhance overall brain health.


Cerebrolysin is a peptide solution derived from pig brain proteins and is used for neuroprotective and neurorestorative effects. It contains several neurotrophic factors that mimic the action of endogenous neurotrophic factors.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Used in the treatment and management of Alzheimer’s disease, stroke, and traumatic brain injuries.

  2. Shown to improve cognitive function, memory, and concentration.

  3. Promotes neuronal growth and synaptic plasticity, enhancing brain repair mechanisms.

How It Can Help You:

Cerebrolysin can aid individuals suffering from neurodegenerative diseases, brain injuries, or those seeking to enhance cognitive functions and protect against age-related cognitive decline.

CJC-1295 / Ipamorelin

CJC-1295 and Ipamorelin are two peptides often used together to stimulate growth hormone release. CJC-1295 is a GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone) analog, and Ipamorelin is a selective growth hormone secretagogue.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Promotes the natural production of growth hormone, leading to muscle growth and fat loss.

  2. Enhances recovery and healing from injuries.

  3. Beneficial for anti-aging purposes, improving skin quality, and overall energy levels.

How It Can Help You:

For those looking to improve body composition, accelerate recovery from injuries, or seek anti-aging benefits, this combination can offer significant advantages.


Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a hormone produced during pregnancy. In medical settings, HCG is used for various treatments, including fertility issues and hormonal therapy.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Commonly used in fertility treatments for both men and women.

  2. In men, it can increase testosterone levels and improve sperm production.

  3. Used in weight loss protocols, though its effectiveness in this area is a subject of debate.

How It Can Help You:

HCG can be instrumental for individuals facing fertility challenges or hormonal imbalances. Its role in weight management is also explored, providing options for those looking for different weight loss methodologies.


Selank is a synthetic peptide with anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties. It is based on the body's naturally occurring tetrapeptide Tuftsin and is used to reduce anxiety and enhance mental clarity.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Effective in reducing stress and anxiety without causing sedative effects.

  2. Enhances mental clarity and focus, improving cognitive functions.

  3. Shows potential in boosting the immune system.

How It Can Help You:

Selank offers a solution for those seeking relief from anxiety and stress while enhancing cognitive function and overall mental health.


Tesamorelin is a synthetic form of growth-hormone-releasing hormone used primarily to reduce belly fat in HIV patients. It has been shown to have various benefits in metabolism and body composition.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Reduces visceral adipose tissue (VAT), particularly in the abdominal area.

  2. Can improve triglyceride levels and has potential benefits for overall metabolic health.

  3. Shows promise in cognitive enhancement, particularly in older adults.

How It Can Help You:

Tesamorelin can be beneficial for those aiming to reduce abdominal fat, improve metabolic health parameters, and potentially enhance cognitive functions in aging individuals.

Tesofensine (Oral)

Tesofensine is an orally administered compound initially developed to treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. It has garnered attention for its potential effects on weight loss.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Promising results in weight loss trials, particularly in reducing appetite and increasing satiety.

  2. Could potentially improve metabolic parameters alongside weight management.

  3. Initially explored for neurodegenerative diseases, indicating potential neuroprotective properties.

How It Can Help You:

For those struggling with weight management, Tesofensine presents a novel approach, especially for appetite control and metabolic health.

AOD 9604

AOD 9604 is a modified form of the amino acids 176-191 of the GH (Growth Hormone) polypeptide. This peptide is known for its fat-burning properties.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Targets fat reduction, particularly in the abdominal area.

  2. Does not have the same growth effects as Growth Hormone, making it a safer alternative for fat loss.

  3. May have a role in cartilage repair and muscle building.

How It Can Help You:

AOD 9604 is an option for those looking for targeted fat loss without the broader effects of growth hormone treatment, potentially aiding in weight management and physical conditioning.

Copper (GHK-CU - Dropper)

Copper GHK-CU is a copper peptide with a wide range of biological actions. It’s been studied for its skin regeneration properties and is available in dropper form for topical application.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. Promotes skin healing and rejuvenation, reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

  2. Enhances skin elasticity and firmness, improving overall skin health.

  3. May stimulate hair growth and thickness when applied to the scalp.

How It Can Help You:

Ideal for those looking to enhance their skincare routine, Copper GHK-CU can contribute to healthier, more youthful-looking skin and potentially improve hair health.

Copper (GHK-CU - Injectable)

Copper GHK-CU in injectable form is used for systemic benefits of the copper peptide. While it shares properties with its topical counterpart, the injectable form works internally.

Benefits and Uses:

  1. May promote tissue repair and healing throughout the body.

  2. Has potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

  3. Can support overall skin health and wound healing when used systemically.

How It Can Help You:

For individuals seeking comprehensive anti-aging and tissue repair benefits beyond topical applications, Copper GHK-CU injectables offer a more systemic approach to utilizing this peptide's properties.

Let's Start Feeling Like Yourself Again!

Wellness Docs, our dedicated team is ready to provide you with top-notch care, expert guidance, and the necessary resources to help you regain your full health and vitality. Reach out to us for a consultation today and take the first step in beginning your wellness journey!