NAD+ IV Therapy

At Wellness Docs, we're committed to offering cutting-edge treatments that enhance overall health and vitality. NAD+ IV Therapy is a standout treatment in our wellness arsenal, providing a range of health benefits by replenishing cellular levels of a crucial coenzyme.

What is NAD+ IV Therapy?

NAD+ (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide) IV Therapy involves the intravenous administration of NAD+, a vital coenzyme naturally present in every cell of the body. NAD+ plays a key role in cellular metabolism and energy production. As we age, NAD+ levels decline, leading to various health issues. NAD+ IV Therapy is designed to boost these levels, promoting better health and well-being.

How Does NAD+ IV Therapy Work?

Direct Delivery

Administering NAD+ directly into the bloodstream ensures maximum absorption and effectiveness.

Cellular Revitalization

NAD+ aids in repairing and restoring cells throughout the body,
enhancing cellular functions and energy.

The Benefits of NAD+ IV Therapy

Increased Energy

Boosts overall energy levels, reducing feelings of fatigue.
Enhanced Mental Clarity: Improves cognitive functions like focus, memory, and concentration.

Anti-Aging Effects

May help in slowing down the aging process at a cellular level.
Detoxification and Recovery: Assists in detoxifying the body, particularly beneficial for those recovering from substance abuse.

Conditions Addressed with NAD+ IV Therapy

NAD+ IV Therapy is beneficial for a variety of conditions:

Age-Related Decline

Counteracts various effects of aging.

Cognitive Impairment

Aids in improving symptoms of brain fog and neurodegenerative

Chronic Fatigue

Effective in managing conditions of chronic fatigue and low energy.

Addiction and Recovery:

Helps in the recovery process from chemical dependencies and

The Science Behind NAD+ IV Therapy

Our approach to NAD+ IV Therapy is based on extensive scientific research:

Clinical Studies

Research has shown the significant impact of NAD+ on cellular health and

Biochemical Impact

NAD+ plays a crucial role in over 500 enzymatic reactions, vital for
maintaining optimal health.

Chronic Fatigue

Effective in managing conditions of chronic fatigue and low energy.

Addiction and Recovery:

Helps in the recovery process from chemical dependencies and

Understanding NAD+ and Its Necessity for the Body

Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide (NAD+) is a vital coenzyme, akin to vitamin B3, that exists in every cell of the body. It plays a pivotal role in cellular metabolism and energy balance. In essence, NAD+ is crucial for metabolic processes, decelerating aging, enhancing athletic performance, and supporting brain repair and function. Current studies indicate a significant
relationship between NAD+ levels and the body's aging process, both mentally and physically.

DNAD+ is essential for optimizing mitochondrial function. Mitochondria, known as the cell's powerhouses, convert proteins, carbohydrates, and fats from food into energy-rich ATP molecules. NAD+ IV therapy aids the liver in metabolizing fats essential for energy and in ATP production, a primary energy source for cells. Deficiencies in this critical cellular fuel are linked
to chronic fatigue, depression, anxiety, addiction, weak immunity, muscle pain, memory issues, sleep disturbances, and various chronic diseases.

While NAD+ is naturally produced in the body, its levels diminish with age or due to factors like stress, poor sleep, environmental conditions, and substance use. Intravenous NAD+ therapy activates enzymes called sirtuins in the bloodstream, enhancing the positive aspects of your genes, thus promoting longer health and reducing aging effects. NAD+ also repairs and extends telomeres, the protective caps of DNA, slowing the body's aging process.

Benefits of NAD+ Therapy

Cognitive Enhancement

Improves focus and mental clarity.

Pain and Inflammation Reduction

Alleviates inflammation and pain.

Muscle Recovery

Enhances muscle recovery post-exercise.

Chronic Illness Management

Beneficial in various chronic conditions.

Metabolic Boost

Increases metabolism and energy levels.

DNA Protection and Repair

Prevents and repairs DNA damage.

Anti-Aging Effects

Offers significant anti-aging benefits.

Mental Health Support

Alleviates symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and PTSD.

Brain Health

Maintains optimal brain function, enhances memory and cognition, and improves mental clarity by improving neurological function at the cellular level.

Fatigue Reduction

Boosts mood, vitality, endurance, and brain function by providing cells with essential energy support.

Metabolic Function Support

Aids in weight loss, muscle tone building, energy increase, and improved athletic performance.

NAD IV therapy is the most efficient method for administering NAD+, ensuring 100% absorption without loss during digestion. This therapy is effective in treating various medical conditions, including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia, Alzheimer’s disease, neurodegenerative diseases like Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, chronic fatigue, headaches, diabetes, attention deficit disorders, and addiction.

How NAD+ Therapy Works

Muscle Recovery

Restores cellular NAD+ levels, enhancing energy, improving muscle recovery, and reducing soreness post-exercise.

Pain Reduction

Aids in healing and reduces symptoms of chronic illnesses by impacting cellular energy production, DNA repair, and inflammation.

Mental Health Improvement

Addresses symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety, and PTSD by restoring energy at the cellular level, crucial for brain function.


Combats aging effects by addressing the decline in NAD+ levels due to lifestyle, diet, stress, toxins, and other factors, thereby supporting cellular energy creation and reducing disease risk.

Brain Health

Increases metabolism and energy Enhances focus and mental clarity, combats cognitive decline by acting on amyloid plaques, repairing DNA, reducing inflammation, and promoting neuronal function.

Treatment Protocol

Consultation Requirement

Clients must consult with a medical provider to determine suitability.

Dosage Recommendation

Optimal results are seen with 3-6 gram doses.

Frequency of IV Sessions

Sessions can be scheduled weekly or more frequently, up to twice per week.

Treatment Progression

Initial IV doses range from 250mg to 500mg, with subsequent sessions increasing as desired to reach the total NAD+ dosage. Patients may opt for more sessions with smaller doses.

Brain Health

Increases metabolism and energy Enhances focus and mental clarity, combats cognitive decline by acting on amyloid plaques, repairing DNA, reducing inflammation, and promoting neuronal function.

Why Choose NAD+ IV Therapy at Wellness Docs?

FAQs About NAD+ IV Therapy

Is NAD+ IV Therapy Safe?

Yes, it is a safe treatment with minimal side effects.

How Long Does a Session Last?

Sessions typically range from 1-3 hours, depending on the dosage.

How Often Should I Receive Treatment?

The frequency of treatments varies depending on individual health objectives and response to therapy.

Experience the rejuvenating effects of NAD+ IV Therapy at Wellness Docs. Whether you're looking to enhance your energy, improve mental clarity, or support your overall health, our NAD+ IV Therapy is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn how this innovative treatment can be part of your journey to optimal health and wellness.